How to Upgrade Receiver Firmware ** IMPORTANT ** Make sure the battery that the receiver is using is fully charged before beginning the upgrade 1. Download "osImage", "upgrade", "smarcOsImage" and "smarcUpgrade" files from NOTE: When downloading file "upgrade/smarcUpgrade": 1. Save the filename as "upgrade/smarcUpgrade". Don't save the file name with any extension (.tar). - If you are using Firefox, it will keep the filename as "upgrade". - If you are using Chrome/ Edge / IE, manually edit to save the file name as "upgrade" instead of upgrade.tar 2. Put all files on a 32GB or smaller SD card (must be FAT32 formatted) 3. Put SD card in receiver and power on 4. Wait for the top LED to be violet, the bottom LED blue 5. Briefly push and release the power button to start the upgrade. Both LEDs will blink violet, indicating the upgrade is in progress 6. Wait until both LEDs are solid violet (~15 minutes) 7. Push and hold the power button for >5 seconds to power off}